Discussing my love for video games.

I love video games.
I think they are the best form of recreational enjoyment that has ever been created. While people have their favorite sports teams, their favorite type of vehicles, their favorite musical artist, or their favorite film franchises, I have my love for video games.
I don’t have a problem with people who are fans of sports even though I am not a sports fan. I am not into vehicles like that but if the vehicle looks cool, has impressive features to me, and is gas efficient, then more than likely that is my dream car (Laughs). I am also a music head having gone to college and earned a degree in Entertainment Technology (telling myself and others that I am going to school to be a music producer and ended up being a sound engineer) and being exposed to all different types of music from classical, jazz, and classic rock genres I have never appreciated before until taking certain classes. As far as film franchises go, the only one I have been keeping up with is the Marvel Cinematic Universe just because I find their storytelling formula and interconnected set-pieces interesting and have been inspired to make something like that one day. So back to the love of video games.
An aspect of video games that I love about any recreational form of media is the variety of genres that encompasses it. Video games can be played by anybody, either casual or hardcore consumers. Whether it's first-person or third-person shooter games, strategy and tactics games, open-world games, action-adventure games, RPG games, PVP-styled games, and many more genres that can allow people to relax and decompress. For me, I am an “action-adventure, Hack-n-Slash, Open World, Platformer, Third-person shooter, Top-Down shooter, RPG, PVP Fighter and a Puzzle'' type of gamer. I dislike first-person shooters for it has ruined mainstream games besides other things which I may need to talk about in the future. My particular favorite era of gaming was the “Sixth Generation” which had gaming consoles such as the “Gamecube, Playstation 2, the original Xbox”, and known handheld systems like the Nintendo “Gameboy Advance and DS” as well the Sony “PSP”. I was fortunate enough to get the PS2 as a kid and the Gameboy and the DS. Sadly I never got the chance to own a Gamecube or Xbox but the weirdest thing is that I ended up getting their successor consoles the Xbox 360 and the Nintendo Wii.
Some games I have played for each system include the following:
PS2: All of Jak and Daxter titles, All the DBZ titles, All the Naruto titles, Simpson Hit-n-Run, Ratchet and Clank, All the Sly Cooper Titles, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Just to name a few)
DS: Most of the Naruto titles, Most of the Bleach titles, Dragon Ball Origins and its sequel, Mario 64 for the DS (and many others I can't think of at the moment)
GBA: TMNT games based on the show of the early '00s, Turbo Turtles, Zapper, Pokemon Fire Red (can't remember all the games I got for the system)
PSP: Most of the Naruto titles, Ben 10 Alien Force (that's all I can remember honestly)
I just wanted to highlight the one console and the three handhelds just show some games I was into back then. You can see that I was a big Naruto fan from the fact that I listed "Naruto titles" for the PS2, DS, and PSP. These days, I don't have time to play the games that I want to play and I spend most of my time playing mobile games because they are more convenient for me.
I would have to bring some people on board who are more equipped in talking about going in extreme depth since I am technically a casual gamer who has fallen heavily off of hardcore gaming and can only stay up to date with it if I ran across an article of it or my siblings give me the 4-1-1 on the current state of gaming. But regardless, I hope you all that are reading this got some insight from this article and know that I very much do still LOVE VIDEO GAMES.
NOTE BY AUTHOR: Sorry if this article seems a little lackluster, but I would be talking in circles if I continue any further. There is so much to say about why gaming is amazing and there is so much about gaming I want to talk about that this article would be extremely long and I would just end up giving surface-level reasons why I love gaming. Some things I want to talk about in the future regarding gaming are the "history of it and the history of the different topics based on the different features of them like the “health bar” or “crouch function”, censorship in gaming (as well as music and film), the current state of gaming and much more.
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